
The Vestry is the governing board of the Parish, consisting of the Priest, Treasurer(s), Clerk, and nine elected church members. The word vestry originally referred to the room where the priest put on their vestments. Because church leaders would often meet there to discuss the affairs of the parish with the priest, the term eventually came to refer to the group that governs the parish.

All Saints Vestry members serve three-year terms, with three members “rolling off” and three new members elected each year. Each Vestry member is assigned as a liaison to an area of focus, helping to support ministry teams and keep the leadership aware of ministry activities. The current Vestry members are listed below:

Bronwyn Young

Senior Warden

Linda Christie: Grounds

Roland Leach: Buildings

Anne Sanders: Buildings

Junior Warden Team

Linda Gerdes



Rachael Heidler

Christian Education


Mary Christian



Judy Reynolds


Lillian Burton


Leslie Tidwell


Mike Tarnoff and Beth Wood


Liaisons will be assigned to Memorials, Personnel, and Long Range Planning Committees, as needed.